Happy Blessed Sunday!
Our New Testament reading was from James 3:1-12, The Taming of the Tongue. The tongue is a small part of the body but can cause so much trouble. We curse human beings, but then turn around and praise the Lord. We know we can tame our animals, but we sure can’t tame our tongues. We should pray to try not to let evil cause us to speak unwisely.
In our Gospel reading – Mark 8:27-38, Jesus asks, “Who do people say I am?” They mentioned John the Baptist and the prophet Elijah. But as you know, they were sent to prepare the way for Jesus. Peter said that “you are the Messiah”. With that being said Jesus said not to tell anyone. Jesus then began to teach that the Son of Man must suffer many things, being rejected and that he must be killed and after 3 days rise again. Peter started to rebuke Jesus and Jesus rebuked him, “Get behind me Satan”. He figured Peter was talking on the human side not the side of God. Jesus asks that we deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow Him. He is trying to get us to save our souls when he comes in his Fathers glory with the holy angels.
The taming of the tongue and then Peter rebuking what Jesus was saying puts us in a place we don’t want to be. We need to follow Jesus who will lead us to eternity with God. Try and be careful what you say.