Happy Blessed Sunday!
Elise Ledbetter was our pastor today. She will be back in a couple of weeks in August to continue our pulpit supplies. We graciously welcome her, and hope she enjoys the Lord’s church.
We had some complications with our video/powerpoint presentation. Microsoft decided this was the time to upgrade our system. Dan got us back on track and we are grateful for his expertise. Thanks Dan!
Today’s sermon included Ephesians 4: 1-7 and Psalm 51: 1-12.
In Ephesian’s, Paul talked about walking in the way that was worthy to Christ our Lord. He was called to unite the church. But, before he could do that, he needed to explain to the people that they needed to be humble, gentle, patient, and loving one another. He asked the people to keep the unity of the Spirit through peace. Once the people could do this, then the unity of the church could happen. The church to be trusted by the Lord, is one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord in Jesus Christ, one faith and one baptism. The force bringing us together to unite us as a church in One God.
In Psalm 51, David was caught in a great sin, his affair with Bathsheba and the cover up of her husband Uriah’s murder. The murder took place when David ordered him to the front line in battle. The prophet Nathan was the one who confronted him about this sin. Once David understood what he had done, he asked for God’s mercy, to blot out his transgressions, to cleanse him and create in him a clean heart. David admitted his sin and asked God to purge him, wash him and allow his brokenness to heal. David’s broken and contrite heart were his sacrifice accepted by God.
Through Jesus, God cleanses us of our sins. We sin again and again and with a contrite heart when we ask to be forgiven, he has mercy and forgives us. We humbly accept that our One God is taking care of us through love, His love and our continuing love of others.
We thank God for all our prayer’s for Brylee, now cancer free and had her wish to go to Hawaii once she was cured!
Take care, blessings to all. If anyone needs anything, please contact one of the elders/deacons and we will help you through whatever it is that is needed.