Today, Pastor Lisa’s sermon was based on Matthew 7: 7-22. Judi Fortune our Worship Leader today, spoke on Psalm 139: 7-12. Us, as believers can rejoice and rest in the knowledge that God is present in every place and every situation in our lives. God sees us in light and dark, we can not hide from him and He knows all.
Pastor Lisa read about us to Keep asking, Seeking, Knocking. God hears all of needs. He wants to answer the door to our love for Him. So, we need to be careful, “whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, words from Jesus”.
She also gave us the story about a angel of the Lord spoke to Philip to go south from Jerusalem to Gaza. He did what was asked and met a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch traveling with great authority from the queen. He was in his chariot reading words from the prophet Isaiah. Philip asked the man if he knew what he was reading. His response was how can he unless someone gives him guidance. Philip preached to him from the words of Jesus. So this is where Pastor Lisa got her sermon “An interrupted Journey.”
Amazing! There is so much for us to learn from all of this. Our own journey, love for the Lord and preaching to others about Jesus!
We all are praying that Amazing Grace continues to be a biblical, spiritual church, showing the love of the Lord to each and everyone of our church family.