The sermon was from John 17, “Jesus Prayed” – a follow up to “Jesus Wept.” There is no prayer like this one in the Bible. Shortly before Jesus was arrested, tried, tortured, and crucified, He prayed.
Jesus prayed for himself – a prayer of gratitude to the Father, a prayer of confidence that He had accomplished all that the Father sent Him to do. He succeeded in glorifying His Father.
Jesus prayed for his disciples – those chosen by the Father to learn from Jesus and to keep the message alive after Jesus returned to heaven. Jesus thanked God for the gift of the disciples – feeling blessed that they were hand-picked to learn from Jesus, walk with Him, and spread the news of the gospel. One of the most touching parts of the prayer is that Jesus was going to leave the earth, but they will remain behind. Jesus asked the Father to keep them safe and united. That is especially touching, knowing they will all, except John, die a martyr’s death for their Lord.
Finally, Jesus prayed for all who will believe in Him based on the good news of Christ from the apostles and generations to follow. Jesus prayed for us, long before we were born, that we would be kept safe and be united in faith and love.
Jesus’ prayer was that from the disciples on, that we would know and worship the one, true God.
Please, Amazing Grace, be united in love for Jesus and his Word, be committed to the One True God, and continue being the friendly and faithful congregation of Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church, Apache Junction, Arizona.
Remember what Wilma read to you today from I Corinthians 13. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will direct your path.
May God bless you and keep you; may His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.